An Open Letter To Toxic Star Wars Fans
As everyone knows, part of the nerd/geek/fanboy code is that it is okay to be yourself. It’s okay to love things a little too hard, care a little too much, invest in characters a little more than other people do.
We support one another. We defend one another. We have each other’s backs.

Or so I thought. That was before I read about the treatment of Kelly Marie Tran.
If you follow her on Instagram, you’d know that the actress comes across as a down to earth, humorous, smart, positive, woman. Her character in The Last Jedi, Rose Tico, was skilled, loyal, hopeful and fierce.
And yet, thousands of so-called Star Wars ‘fans’ have hurled spite and venom at Kelly via social media. Much of this abuse has been sexist or racist or a sickening combination of both.
It seems that the barrage has finally become too much, and Kelly has deleted all the posts from her Instagram. Her bio now says ‘Afraid but doing it anyway’.

How heart breaking.
How rage inducing.
Not only is this woman one of the first and few, of both her gender and race, to have a lead in a Star Wars film, but she’s one of us, a fan.
Oh, and more importantly, she’s a human woman with feelings, and a family and the right to be treated with respect.
So for the first time ever, I say, maybe it’s not okay to be yourself fellow geeks/nerds/fanboys.
It’s not.
Not if you’re a racist, a sexist, or a nasty Internet troll.
Not Online, not at a Con, not at a Movie Theater, nowhere. Don't do it. Keep all that malice locked up tight in your own head if it has to exist, please and thank you.
With all this said, one of the amazing things about Star Wars is that it teaches us that courage and hope can lead to great change. Though the Internet can seem dark and full of terrors, a small group of people standing for what is right, can make a difference. So let's do.

Here at The Truffle Cottage, we want to do our small part to help bring balance back to the Force.
For the rest of June, we will be offering 20% off any product online with the code NOTATOXICFANBOY.
Want to come in store? Get 25% off by saying 'I REBEL' as you're checking out.
We will also be donating a portion of profits to the Cybersmile Foundation (https://www.cybersmile.org/), a charitable organization that works tirelessly to end online bullying, and provides support to those that experience it.
We’ll sign off with iconic words from the amazing Rose Tico …

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