Throwback Thursday: How It All Began
Our first ever Comic Con, and how the love of nerdy chocolate began, now feels like a distant memory, but it was actually only in September of 2013. Our friend Blair (now our Marketing Director) called me and said she might be able to get us a booth for free at Salt Lake Comic Con; was I interested in making some nerdy truffles? Now Free is of course my favorite price, and I immediately said yes, then I hung up the phone and Googled Comic Con, since I had absolutely no idea what it was.
Now that may come as a surprise (I hear the cries of outrage as I type this) since we are best known for our nerdy/geeky themed chocolate, but what can I say, I’m a convert ;)
When I figured out what Comic Con was, next came a frantic rush to figure out what to make. At the time the only ‘nerdy’ thing that I knew much about was Star Wars, so I decided that was a good place to start. We had no idea what to expect, but we borrowed a fridge from a friend (thanks Rosco), made about 60 boxes of Star Wars truffles (that number seems laughable now) and showed up with a folding table and no idea what was happening.
I clearly remember thinking ‘what the heck’ when all of a sudden Blair RAN at someone while we were setting up. Poor Lou Ferrigno, probably the first time the Hulk has been afraid of a 5ft 4 Scottish girl. It was my first encounter with fandom, something that was soon to be an integral part of my life.
I can honestly say that weekend was a definitive period for The Truffle Cottage. We had no idea how well received our chocolate would be, nor did I realize how amazing the nerd community was. Thanks to the attendees at that first SLCC, we were well on our way to a new found love of geekdom, as well as a new direction for the company.
After selling out within about 3 hours, I spent most of the rest of my Con (and all night, every night) in the kitchen making truffles as quickly as possible. Every new batch that got put on the table sold out, and the hundreds of cards we printed (we now take thousands) were long gone after the first day.
That year we were fortunate enough to be directly across from the Star Wars cosplayers that raise money for charity (heeeey Rebel Legion - Rogue Base) and we had a blast getting to know them and our other vendor neighbours.
We left that first Con exhausted, surprised and with a host of new friends. We were on the news, got to go to the after party and mingle with Celeb guests, and we received strict instructions to watch something called ‘Firefly’.
We had no way to anticipate what a life changing experience it would be, but we are sure glad that we got to experience it.
We now attend Cons all over the United States (soon to add Canada to the list) and most of our products are nerdy. I never thought I’d be spending hours crafting Dragon Eggs or chocolate Baby Groots, but I’m glad I get to create something that makes people happy.
Friends, thank you THANK YOU for the patronage, support and encouragement, as well as occasional suggestions, patience and Diet Pepsi. You have enriched our personal lives by introducing us to wonderful shows/book/comics and you are the reason that The Truffle Cottage exists in it’s current state.
We love you all, and can’t wait for many more Cons together! Oh, and whoever recommended Firefly that one time, we thank you most of all… ;)
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