Friends & Loyal Customers,
We are sharing this information with some regret, as we have very much enjoyed coming up with fun and delicious novelty chocolate to send you every month.
As of December 1st, we are no longer going to be sending out our monthly subscription boxes. This is in large part due to fulfillment/shipping issues and we are so, SO sorry for any disappointment that this may cause.
For those of you who pay by card, we will automatically cancel your payments. For those that pay with a recurring PayPal subscription, you will have to go in and delete the recurring payment in your own account.
We hope that you will continue to give us your custom, as we strive to provide the best possible chocolate, truffles and nerdy delights possible.
Thank you so much again for your loyalty and support, we couldn’t do this without you!
The Truffle Cottage Team
P.S. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at chocolate@thetrufflecottage.com
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